
下田 Shimoda


Shimoda is located at the tip of southern part of the Izu peninsula and is known for its many great hot springs. At the end of Edo Era when Japan signed a treaty with the United States of America, it was done at several of the temples in Shimoda city where the historical negotiations and signing of the Shimoda Treaty took place. Thus these temples became very important places in the Japan’s history. There are also many great sightseeing places where you can enjoy spectacular views of Shimoda.


下田公園 Shimoda Park



Jyoyama Park also sometimes referred to as Ajisai Park (Hydrangea Park) is a nature park overlooking Shimoda Bay. There are 150,000 Ajisai (hydrangea) stumps in the park which hosts about 3000,000 blossoms. Ajisai (hydrangea) Festival is held every year in June where you can enjoy hydrangea blossoms from light blue, light pink, light purple to dark purple as you walk through the park.


ペリー・ロード Perry Road

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Perry Road is a road along the Hiraname River which covers approximately 700 meters from Shimoda Bay to the Ryosen temple. In 1853, U.S. Commodore Matthew C. Perry’s fleet came to Shimoda city, Japan. At that time, Japan was being excluded from diplomatic relations with other countries, and U.S. Commodore Matthew C. Perry helped guide Japan and was responsible for the opening of Japan to the West. In honor to Mr. Perry, the road was named after him. The buildings along the Perry Road at that time are still standing and have been transformed into charming coffee shops, gift shops, crafts shops, and restaurants. You can take a walk along this Perry Road and feel as you have slipped into time.


了仙寺 Ryosenji (Ryosen Temple)




At the end of the Edo Era, Ryosen Temple was the place where the Shimoda Treaty was signed between Japan and the United States. Many historical records and documents from the signing of the Shimoda Treaty are displayed at the Ryosenji
treasure respository along with brief explanations.


宝福寺 Hofukuji (Hofuku Temple)

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Also at the end of Edo Era, there was a geisha in Shimoda
named Tojin Okichi who lived a life of tragedy. Tojin Okichi’s tomb is located at Hofukuji. Tojin Okichi is famous since her tragic life story have been recounted and made into novels, dramas, and movies.


玉泉寺 Gyokusenji (Gyokusen Temple)

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Gyokusen Temple was used as the place for the American Consulate General in the last years of Edo Era. There is the Mr. Townsend Harris’s memorial museum in honor of the first U.S. ambassador to Japan. His belongings are also on display. Also, for the first time in Japan, cemeteries for foreigners were built here.


爪木崎 Tsumekizaki

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There stands a white lighthouse at the tip of the Suzaki Peninsula in Shimoda city. Eruption of a submerged volcano long ago created these beautiful dynamic rock surfaces where many people enjoy quiet walks. Tsumekizaki is known for its beautiful beach for swimming during the summer. In the winter, there are daffodils in full bloom along the walk way to the beach.




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