
伊豆昔話 三四郎島 Sanshiro Islands

Once upon a time, a beautiful young girl, Koyuki, lived in a small fishing village, Nishina Village, in West Izu. Her father, Yukinobu Seo, belonged to a powerful family, and many villagers feared his power. Koyuki, however, was kind and considerate. She helped her servants, working and sweating together with them, and always expressed her gratitude, saying, “Thank you very much. You did a fine job.”

Koyuki had a secret, which she did not tell anyone.

Everyday, when the tide was the lowest on that day, Koyuki became nervous and secretly went to Dogashima near Nishina Village.

When the tide is 50 centimeters or less above low tide, the seafloor appears above the surface for a short time, enabling people to walk between Dogashima, which was on the mainland, and the nearby islands. This phenomenon is called tomboro.

At the right moment for this tomboro, Koyuki rushed to Nakano Island (Nakanoshima), off the coast of Dogashima, with many rice balls, pickles, ears of corn, cucumbers and other vegetables in the basket on her back.

Nakano Island was covered with many trees and had a small cave that provided shelter. In the cave, a man was waiting for Koyuki. Koyuki approached the man, blushed with excitement and called his name, “Sanshiro!”

Sanshiro, a young soldier with hawk-like eyes, hiding from danger until he could fight again, immediately raised his head, showed his delight and hurried towards Koyuki. He gave her a strong hug, affectionately wrapping his arms around her.

Koyuki’s father, Yukinobu, had ordered her to secretly provide food to Sanshiro.


This was in the 3rdyear of the Chisho Era (1179), which was a turbulent period. Kiyomori Taira and his troops had carried out a coup d’état. He arrested and confined Emperor Go-Shirakawa, the monk-emperor, and abused his authority. People were terrified of Kiyomori.

The Taira Clan ruthlessly killed and exiled many members of the Minamoto Clan, including the father and brothers of Yoritomo Minamoto. Yoritomo, suffering through these difficulties, sought revenge. Yoritomo hid out in Izu, strengthened his military power and prepared for the battle against Kiyomori.

Sanshiro was a vassal of Yoritomo. Sanshiro was hiding himself, from the Taira pursuers, on Nakano Island, which was usually separated from the mainland, waiting for the Minamoto Clan’s rebellion against the Taira Clan.

Yukinobu Seo, Koyuki’s father, was loyal to the Minamoto Clan. He ordered Koyuki to secretly provide food to Sanshiro. Koyuki, after delivering food to Sanshiro several times, fell in love with Sanshiro who was sincere and honest.

Koyuki and Sanshiro loved looking at the sea and talking with each other. Sanshiro asked Koyuki,

“Koyuki, do you know where the large cloud, which looks like a ship, come from?”

Koyuki answered, “Well… I think it came from a hill with many flowers where people are all smiling and laughing without worrying about battles.”

Sanshiro replied, “If there was such a place, I would love to go there with you, boarding that ship-like cloud.”

Koyuki called his name, “Sanshiro!”

In the big strong arms of Sanshiro, Koyuki felt short of breath. Koyuki wondered how long she could continue meeting him. She hoped such meetings with Sanshiro would last forever. Koyuki hoped to live with him in a peaceful place without any battles.

Sadly, however, their meetings were always short. Within two hours, the fleeting tomboro would always end. Koyuki, fighting off the urge to cling to Sanshiro’s arms and keeping back her tears, had to leave Nakano Island.

One day, as Koyuki feared, the meetings with Sanshiro came to an end.

Yukinobu received a letter, which said that Yoritomo Minamoto was now ready for the battle and would soon raise the army against the Taira Clan.

The letter also summoned Sanshiro, ordering him to join Yoritomo’s army. Receiving the letter from her father and being told to deliver the letter to Sanshiro immediately, Koyuki cried. She, however, put the letter inside her kimono and headed for Nakano Island.

Koyuki thought, “After delivering this letter to Sanshiro, I will never be able to see him again. Sanshiro, however, strongly hopes for the resurgence of the Minamoto Clan. If so, I must deliver this letter.” Trying not to go fall on her knees, Koyuki ran.

When she arrived at Dogashima, Koyuki was stunned by seeing the sea with stormy waves. The time was too early for tomboro, and Nakano Island was separated from the mainland by the deep sea. The wind was strong, the waves were heaving up like pythons and spray was dashing up high from the waves.

けど、躊躇っている間などない! 挙兵を伝える書状を一刻も早く、三四郎さまにお届けせねば!
Koyuki thought, “There is no time to wait! I must deliver this letter as soon as possible, informing Sanshiro of Yoritomo’s raising his army!”

Koyuki made up her mind and entered the sea. Big waves, like massive rocks, swallowed Koyuki. Being carried off her feet, Koyuki was swept away.

“Oh, no!” The letter almost dropped from her kimono. Koyuki held the letter and tried desperately to stand up and walk.

「三四郎さま! 三四郎さま――っ!」
“Sanshiro, Sanshiro…!”

Koyuki shouted. Big waves, however, attacked her one after the other. The waves dragged Koyuki’s long hair and, like lead balls, hit Koyuki’s body. The waves rolled her over like a ball.

「さ、三四郎さまっ! ごぼっ!」
“Sanshiro! Oh…” Desperately trying to push through the waves, Koyuki moved her legs. The black waves crushed her body, and she felt acute pain in her arms and legs.

“Oh! Sanshiro… Sanshiro…” Koyuki was unable to keep standing anymore. At this moment, she thought of Sanshiro’s warm smile. Koyuki saw Sanshiro and herself boarding the ship-like cloud. They took hold of each other’s hands. In front of them, many flowers were waving in a gentle breeze.

Dreaming the fragile dream, Koyuki sank into the deep sea.

「うぉぉぉーーーーっ! うわぁぁぁぁぁ!」
Several days later, Koyuki’s body washed up on the shore of Nakano Island. Sanshiro’s voice crying and weeping for Koyuki was heard on the four islands off the coast of Dogashima. The voice sounded like thunder. “No… No!”

Many fishermen heard the voice. Koyuki’s tragic love for Sanshiro, who was hiding out, and her death were the only topic of conversation among these fishermen. Since then, people started to call the four islands, Nakano Island (Nakanoshima), Denbeejima, Okinosejima and Takashima, the Sanshiro Islands.

In the year following Koyuki’s death, Kiyomori Taira also died due to disease. The Taira Clan rapidly lost strength. After losing battles against the Minamoto Clan, the Taira Clan eventually died out. Yoritomo Minamoto finally resuscitated the Minamoto Clan. No one, however, knows what happened to Sanshiro, who was a vassal of Yoritomo. He might have died in a battle or set off for the dream place, together with Koyuki’s remains.



堂ヶ島 Dogashima

土肥土肥 Toi


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