松崎町は「なまこ壁(Namako Wall)」の町として全国的に有名で、日本の昔の壁づくりの技法を用いた建物が、今も数多く残されています。
Matsuzaki Town in the southwest area of the Izu Peninsula is a very popular hot spring resort. The historic townscape atmosphere is relaxing; the seaside views are magnificent. Many tourists visit Matsuzaki Town every year. The town is also famous throughout Japan for plastered walls. You can still see many buildings with walls made and plastered with traditional Japanese techniques.
Namako Wall Street
「なまこ壁」というのは、建物の壁に平らな瓦を並べて貼って、その継ぎ目に漆喰(しっくい)という日本独自の建材を用いて固めた壁面のことをいいます。壁の建材の盛り上がった形が、海中生物のナマコ(Sea Slug)に似ていることから、そう呼ばれています。
On Namako Wall Street in the center of Matsuzaki Town, you can see old houses and storehouses with namako walls. Namako walls are made with unique Japanese wall construction techniques. Flat roof tiles are attached to clay walls and plaster applied to cover the tile joints. The walls are called namako walls, because the bulging plaster looks like sea slugs (namako) in the sea.
Naka River slowly flows through the center of Matsuzaki Town
松崎町のボランティアの人たちが「なまこ壁」の伝統技術を継承する目的で2010年に建てた土蔵、「夢の蔵」。伊豆の長八美術館(Izu-no-Chohachi Museum)の前にあります。「なまこ壁」は、松崎町の宝です。
Yumenokura, literally meaning dream storehouse, was build in 2010 by volunteers, hoping to pass on the traditional namako wall techniques to future generations. The storehouse is located in front of the Izu-no-Chohachi Museum. Namako walls are a precious treasure of Matsuzaki Town.
Nakase Merchant House
Nakase Merchant House used to be the house of a kimono dealer during the Meiji Era. The interior has been restored to the original state to show what the merchant house was like then. Nakase Merchant House is now owned and operated by Matsuzaki Town. A visitor center is also on the premises. The dragon and tiger sculptures at the storehouse entrance are marvelous.
Clock tower with a bizarre design in front of Nakase Merchant House
Iwashina Gakko
Iwashina Gakko, or Iwashina School, built in the Meiji Era is the oldest elementary school building in the Izu area. The white Japanese-style building with namako walls is beautiful and has a Western-style balcony on the second-floor façade. The building has been designated as an important cultural asset by the Japanese Government. Inside the building, mannequin figures of pupils and teachers show how the elementary school was in the old days.