
伊豆昔話 善六と雲見の浅間さま Zenroku and Sengen-sama in Kumomi



雲見  ずっと昔、岩科村に、善六という木挽(こびき)がおりました。木挽というのは日々、大きな鋸を使って、木の製材を行う職人のことをいいます。善六は体が人一倍大きく、筋骨隆々の逞しい青年でしたが、外見とは正反対にとても不器用で、何をやっても仕事が遅く、周りからは馬鹿にされ半人前以下に見られていました。

Once upon a time, a sawyer named Zenroku lived in Iwashina Village. Sawyers saw up logs every day with large saws. Zenroku was a young man with a muscular body and much bigger than all the other sawyers. Despite his appearance, Zenroku was extremely clumsy and slow at everything. Other sawyers looked down upon Zenroku, considering him as far less than a full-fledged sawyer.



「そんな細っちい木も、ろくに切れないのか! 情けねぇな。はは」


Other sawyers often said, “You are too slow, Zenroku!” and “You can’t even saw a small log like that! You are pathetic,” and laughed at Zenroku.

Being laughed at by other sawyers every day and being scolded very often, Zenroku bit his lips every day in frustration.









「お前は、実に見事な体格だ。だがまだ、ずいぶん若い。たぶん、その体に見合うだけの力を秘めているのに、どういうわけか、それを一向に出せずにいる。なぁ善六、いっぺん自分を、深く見つめ直してみたらどうだ? どうして、それだけの力しか出ないのか? 何が原因なのか」


Seeing Zenroku frustrated, the master sawyer one day said to him, “Zenroku, I always wonder. You have such a physical gift. How come you are so slow at your work?”

Zenroku replied, “I’m sorry.”

The master said, “With your big arms, why can’t you saw logs more powerfully? Don’t you think it is strange?” The master continued, “Things take forms that are suitable for their respective purposes. For example, a saw that we use every day has a serrated edge that is suitable for cutting wood. Hard working sawyers tend to have strong, muscular bodies. Their bodies show how they work and who they are.”

Zenroku replied, “Yes, I understand.”

The master said, “Zenroku, you have a splendid body. Maybe you are too young. Your body indicates that you have power. The power is concealed and not fully exerted, for whatever reason. I suggest you reexamine yourself. Consider why you cannot fully exert your concealed power. Find out what is the cause.”

Zenroku replied, “Yes, I will.”




Hearing the master’s advice, Zenroku immediately thought about Sengen-sama in Kumomi. Sengen-sama is a name of endearment for the Kumomi Sengen Shrine. Since ancient times, local people have faithfully believed in the god enshrined there, calling the god Sengen-sama.

Zenroku thought, “I must ask Sengen-sama why I am so powerless.”


「浅間さま。おらの力が思うように出ないのは、何が原因なのですか。教えて下さい! おらだってほんとは、みんなのように一人前に働きたい。親方から褒められるような仕事をしたい。どうか、この体が、見せかけだけではない、立派な力強い木挽になれるよう、お導き下さい!」



The Kumomi Sengen Shrine is located on the top of Mount Eboshi, which is a 162 meter-high mountain poking out of the sea off the Izu Peninsula. Zenroku decided to confine himself in the shrine, and not to come back until he received an answer. He carried a basket with food on his shoulder and a saw that he used for his work every day. Zenroku thought taking a break from work was not a big deal because he was of no use anyway. His absence at the lumber mill would not make any difference. Thinking depreciatingly of himself, Zenroku asked a question as soon as he arrived at the shrine.

Zenroku asked, “Sengen-sama, please tell me why I cannot fully exert my power. Please! I want to work like the other full-fledged sawyers. I want to perform my tasks excellently so that the master praises me. Please guide me to become an excellent and powerful sawyer and prove that my body is truly strong!”

When Zenroku was praying, he saw a large rock on the shrine’s premises. He said, “Oh, I hope to become a sawyer who can easily cut that large rock.”



Zenroku, confining himself in the shrine, kept asking himself every day: What is wrong? Why am I so slow? Why am I so weak when cutting wood? Zenroku kept hoping to become a strong sawyer able to easily cut the large rock on the shrine’s premises.

Zenroku prayed, “I have been always slow at everything, and have been looked down on by other people. Please let me have the power to easily cut rocks like that one.”





「どういうわけだ? 浅間さまが、とうとうおらに力を……」


Thirty-eight days passed since Zenroku started his confinement. In the morning on that day, Zenroku saw dew on the rock simmering brilliantly in the morning sun and rising up like steam. Zenroku felt that the answer he wanted resided in the rock. He took out his saw and started to saw the rock. Soon afterward, the rock, with a loud sound, split into two pieces. This surprised Zenroku. The rock split very easily.

Zenroku thought, “What happened? Sengen-sama, at last, gave me the power.”

Zenroku’s body and soul were shaken. Being excited, Zenroku held his saw strongly.












Zenroku went down Mount Eboshi and headed to the lumber mill. Other sawyers, with surprised expressions on their faces, looked at Zenroku. One sawyer said, “Oh no, Zenroku who ran away is making an exhibition of himself.”

Another sawyer said, “Slow Zenroku is here.”

Ignoring their sarcasm, Zenroku walked to the master, kneeled, bowed deeply and said, “Master, since I heard your advice, I have kept considering how I can become stronger. Now, I would like to show you something.”

Zenroku held his saw, and stood in front of one of the largest logs at the lumber mill. Other sawyers started laughing, saying, “Cutting that log is impossible for you.”

“Pish, I will show you. Don’t be surprised,” Zenroku murmured and started sawing the log.




どういうわけだ!? と、善六はなお懸命に、一層力をこめました。





Creak, creak. The sound of the saw, however, was weak and very different from the strong sound that Zenroku heard in the morning. The sound was so poor that even the nearby birds twittered with squeaky voices and flew away.

“Why?” Zenroku asked himself, and tried to saw more strongly.

Creak, creak. The saw did not go into the log at all, and the blade slipped on the surface of the log, making nothing but a poor sound. Other sawyers returned to their tasks, saying in disgust, “It was a waste of time.”




「いったい、三十八日の間、何してた? これが、お前の応え……精一杯の力か?」



The master, with his arms folded, gave a deep sigh and said, “I expected something better than this.”

Zenroku said, “No, master, this is not…”

The master said, “What were you doing during the thirty-eight days? Is this your answer? Is this the best you can do?”

The master sadly turned around, and did not say anything more. “Master…”


善六は顔を真っ赤にし、その場から逃げるように、鋸を持ったまま駆け出していました。 そして村の外れまで来ると、呼吸を整えながら、鋸の刃に映った自分の惨めな顔を見つめました。

「何だったんだ? 今朝方の、大きな石をぶった切ったおらは……あれは、まやかしだったのか?」









Zenroku turned red in the face and ran away with his saw. At the outskirts of the village, Zenroku regained his breath and looked at his own miserable face reflected on the saw blade.

“What was it? I certainly cut the large rock in the morning. Was it some kind of trick?” Zenroku, with his face distorted by his chagrin, put the saw blade on a rock nearby. He drew the saw lightly, and the rock easily split into two pieces, as if it was something very fragile.

“Oh!” Being surprised by the rock easily splitting into two pieces, Zenroku then put the saw blade on a decayed trunk of a tree. He drew the saw, but the blade only creaked. The blade did not cut into the trunk but only rasped the surface. Zenroku thought, “I can’t even cut decayed wood.”

Although Zenroku became able to marvelously cut a large rock, he still could not cut any wood efficiently. Zenroku’s eyes were filled with tears, and large drops fell. “Oh, how foolish I am…” Zenroku regretted, and the sad face that the master showed earlier recurred in his mind.

“Sengen-sama certainly granted my wish. During the thirty-eight days, however, I never faced, or dedicated myself to, lumber sawing. Not only during the thirty-eight days, but all the time, I have never faced lumber sawing sincerely. I am a big fool.”









Then, Zenroku, pulled himself together, and tromped to the lumber mill. It was already dark, and all the sawyers had left the mill. Under the moonlight, Zenroku picked up a small log, put the blade on it and started sawing it devotedly. It was as if he wanted to learn the sawing skills again right from the beginning. Zenroku focused his mind on lumber sawing and used all his strength.

Zenroku broke out in sweat and his muscles trembled. The log made a crispy sound and split into two pieces. “Good, I will do the next one.”

Zenroku, without pausing, picked up another log and started sawing. The moon was high and bright. An owl was singing somewhere. Sweat came from Zenroku’s body, became steam and rose up. Zenroku got blood blisters on his palms. The blisters collapsed and the torn skin bled. Zenroku, however, did not stop. He kept sawing patiently and with single-minded devotion. Zenroku was praying, “Sengen-sama, please see me, an idiot, improving myself. I… At last, I now understand what was lacking in me.”









After several hours, Zenroku lifted his face and found it was already morning. The morning sun was shining on his sweaty face. Zenroku felt something hot, like a furnace, in his mind, and murmured, “Sengen-sama…” He looked up at the bright sun.

A person was looking at Zenroku from outside the lumber mill. It was the master, who always came to the lumber mill before all the other sawyers. Under the morning sun, the master looked at Zenroku. The master smiled, knowing that Zenroku had become a reliable sawyer.




Zenroku then devoted himself to lumber sawing and soon became a full-fledged sawyer. Later, Zenroku became famous for his excellent sawing. Many people, from the Izu Peninsula and also from Edo (present day Tokyo), which was quite far away, asked Zenroku to saw lumber for them.



下田 Shimoda

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